Slow Line Simulations


Welcome to our Reskins page!
Here you will find a variety of reskins, ranging from locomotives, both modern & old, from wagons to coaches.


Welcome to our Reskins page!
Here you will find a variety of reskins, ranging from locomotives, both modern & old, from wagons to coaches.


Welcome to our reskins page
Here you will find a variety of reskins, ranging from locomotives, both modern & old, from wagons to coaches...

Down below is the email we use for commissions
Base price £5 - dependent on how large a project it is.


Welcome to our reskins page
Here you will find a variety of reskins, ranging from locomotives, both modern & old, from wagons to coaches...

GWR 4555

This reskin includes:
GWR Small Prairie 4555 In GWR Lined Green as preserved (With and without nameplates)
2 Versions, one for use with the SSS Sound pack, one for use without
With kind regards of Victory Works for creating the lining and providing the smokebox model
And with many thanks to MainlineModels for texturing the smokebox & creating the nameplates
Reskin by John Astley
Requires: VW Small Prairie, SSS Sound Pack (Optional)

West Shed Pack


This pack contains two locos currently based at West Shed, along with resident BSK 90041 & BCK 99040.

Requirements are as follows:

AP MK1 Pack
JT Patriot (5551 Only)

Steam store Duchess (compatible with SSS sounds) 

Update Log

- Fixed CabView references for BR Green and BR Blue/Ultramarine liveries BY MJW
- Updated InputMapper to add missing controls.
- Added tender scripting.
- Added missing tender controls to all relevant loco.bin files.
- Correctly Added lamps to all tenders CTRL 5-8
- All duchess bin file names in editor follow same standard, should make it easier to find and use.


GWR Green Ilfracombe Goods

Thanks to Elias Dobner for modelling the child objects & Doing the reskin
This pack includes a GWR Green Version of the wayside works ilfracombe goods with custom numberplate & decals

Requires: Wayside Works Ilfracombe Goods

BR UL Green Pannier 

Victory Works Pannier reskinned into unlined BR Green, to represent 5775 as preserved in 1999

Requires VW Pannier

70 'Poplar' 2022 Condition

This reskin includes:
Accurate textures to Number 70
Burnished Smokebox Fittings
Copper Cap Chimney

Requires VW Terriers

662 'Martello' 2021 Condition

This reskin includes:
Accurate textures to Number 662
Burnished Smokebox Fittings
Decal Plane to allow for centred numbers etc
Headboard Nameplate

Requires VW Terriers

60009 UoSA 2019 Condition

This reskin represents LNER A4 60009 Union Of South Africa in its 2019 condition - in a lighter shade of Brunswick - Also included is child objected lamps - on the top lamp bracket - and mainline condition with Hi Intensity

Major Wales Hi Intensity Lamp pack
RSC BRA4Pack01
SSS A4 Sound Pack

VW Terrier IEG Patch

A general texture improvement for the Victory Works Improved Engine Green Livery
This makes it look more prototypical for preserved Terriers
Requires VW A1x/A1 Terrier pack from SSS

BR Green Class 03 Pack

BR Green Class 03 pack
Features 4K high resolution textures
High Res Numbers & Decals
Dynamic Numbering

The Dynamic Numbering corresponds with the builders plate, so shows where & when it was built & the shed it was allocated at.
To remove these, remove the ;sp prefix in the number.

Requires The West Somerset Diesels Pack

GBRF 66773 Pride Of GBRF

GBRF 66773 Pride Of GB Railfreight

With 3D nameplate, custom decals. Unfortunatley due to a lack of resources, we are unable to add the flag on the cabside. Sorry for this.
Requires AP Class 66 EP, RSC Class 66 Pack03, GBRF Named 66 pack

*we are aware of the issue with the numbers, for now simply put "66773x" in the number. This will be fixed soon

Austerity Reskin Pack 2

You guessed it, more austerities!
This includes: "Welsh Guardsman" as preserved
"Lord Phil" as preserved, 2021 & 2019 condition
"Wilbert Rev W Awdry" as preserved

This requires Memories Of Mardy from the Steam Store
and the Steam Sounds Supreme KWVR Stock Pack for sounds.

NSR C Class

A fictional reskin of the CW C class into North Stafford Railway livery. 
Created by Elias Dobner

Requires Caledonia Works SECR C Class

Ivor The Ruston

Ruston 48DS as Ivor The Engine
Reskin created by Peter Page
Requires WW Ruston 48 (NEW)

198 Royal Engineer

198 Royal Engineer, reworked & with nameplate & new whistle thanks to RScott

This requires Memories Of Mardy from the Steam Store
and the Steam Sounds Supreme KWVR Stock Pack for sounds.

LMR 196 "Errol Lonsdale"

We're pleased to release LMR 196 Errol Lonsdale in its preserved LMR Condition, with nameplate..

Reskin & Decals made by John Astley
Nameplate made by AH Robinson

This requires Memories Of Mardy from the Steam Store
and the Steam Sounds Supreme KWVR Stock Pack for sounds.

Wallpaper Black 5

This is an April Fools release, but like, why not, it happened...

Requires BMG Black 5

Austerity Mega Pack

Due to some issues we had been informed about, we had to withdraw our Austerity Packs. Having fixed these issues, both packs are now released as one!

This pack includes:
Mech Navvies Clean & Weathered
Royal Oak Orange
NCB 19 in Green & Black
Royal Engineer
NCB 66 Clean & Weathered
NCB 35
NCB 5 Weathered

Reskin made by John Astley. Decals made by Tiana Gregson & JD Productions

This requires Memories Of Mardy from the Steam Store
and the Steam Sounds Supreme KWVR Stock Pack for sounds.

Furness Railway A5 in SDJR Blue

Somerset and Dorset Prussian Blue Furness Railway A5

Included in this pack is an SDJR Blue Furness A5 with tender decals 

Reskin made by John Astley - decals made by Elias Dobner
Requires the CW FR A5

DRS Class 20 Pack

This pack includes updated DRS Class 20 textures, which also includes unbranded liveries.
Also includes nameplates on 20301, 20303 & 20305.
Made by James Hoyle
Requires JT Class 20

We have been made aware of an issue regarding the sounds - this is currently being worked on.

Black 5 4767 "George Stephenson" LMS Unlined Black

4767 in unlined black 

Reskins made by John Astley
Child objects made by Will Russell

Bossman Games: Black 5 No. 44767 'George Stephenson'

W4 Peckett Reskin Pack

Some reskins of the Wayside Works W4 Peckett- This pack includes Earl of Dudley's Round Oak "Pensnett Railway" green., and Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway Prussian Blue. 
Requires the W4 Peckett from Wayside Works

GWR Chocolate & Cream Railmotor

A reskin of the Victory Works GWR Steam Railmotor into GWR Chocolate &  Cream livery, originally hosted on Wayside Works, John has released it here as well.
Requires the Victory Works GWR Railmotor

GWR Steam Railmotor Texture update

We're always working on something. This time it is a well needed texture update for the Victory Works Railmotor to make it look more modern.
New textures to be darker, to match no. 93, and also weathered roof to match its current state.

Requires the VW Steam Railmotor

Derby RTC Railmotor

Yeah - its questionable... Bleach not included!

Requires the VW Railmotor

BR Lined Black Class 03

A BR Lined Black class 03 
Also available on
Simply requires Doncaster Works

L150 Texture Update

This pack includes an updated version of L150! Thanks to Xavier Guerra for allowing me to include his LT branding patch.

Requires the Victory Works Small Prairies

LMS Ivatt 4MT Unlined Black

This reskin is an LMS Ivatt 4 in BR Unlined Black

This pack requires SSS' Stainmore, Shap & Eden Valley route.

Gwili Railway Rolling Stock

 This pack includes 0-6-0ST Moorbarrow & two Class 03s

Stock Pack Requirements

  • Meshtools East Somerset Railway
  • DTG Saddletank Pack 02
  • RSC Doncaster Works

Stock Pack Installation Instructions

Drag and Drop install of the Assets folder into your Railworks folder.
Run GwiliStockPack.bat in the Assets folder.
The reskin pack should now be fully installed. 

Made by Owain Kell

This pack is old, please bear it in mind!

RSH Sir Cecil A Cochrane

Created by Elias Dobner - this reskin is a depiction of

Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn Works No 7409 'Sir Cecil A Cochrane' Albeit not accurate

Requires DTG Saddle Tank Pack 2